“Nuestra Señora de las Nubes” A show about exile The Guloya Theatre will offer this weekend three presentations of its multiple award-winning play “NuestraSeñora de lasNubes (Our Lady of the Clouds)”,under the direction of Claudio Rivera. Performances will take place in the Otto Coro Hall, at its headquarters located in the Colonial City, from August 22nd to August 24th. A formidable acting symbiosis, they bring to life the uprooted exiles who carry their house on their backs, a subtle allegory of those “who are homeless.” The versatility of both and theirboundless histrionicsare manifested in each performance. The Guloya group has been invited to present this play in the Cultural Center of Spain in Mexico City, Mexico, on August 29th. The plot of this show, that has Guloya’s flavor, is by Argentine playwright and director Aristides Vargas. Actress Vienna González and actor and theater director Claudio Rivera perform in the play. In “NuestraSeñora de lasNubes” we will see the story of Oscar and Bruna, who meet and discover that they are both outcasts from the same homeland, NuestraSeñora de lasNubes. In love with, while also marginalized by, the same country that cast them away, these two souls recreate their forgotten world and its inhabitants. Rivera’sstaging has received two ACE and two ATI awards in New York,and in 2008 it received four nominations at the Casandra Awards. According to critic Carmen Guerrero Heredia: “NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LAS NUBES, IS ONE THE BEST WORKS AT THE THEATRE FESTIVAL” Presentations will take place on Friday, August 22nd and Saturday, August 23rd at 8:30 pm, and on Sunday, August 24th at 6:30 pm, at the headquarters of the Guloya Theatre, located on C / ArzobispoPortes # 205, Colonial City. General admission: $400.00, Students: $300.00. For more information, please call 809-685-4856 or write to teatroguloya@yahoo.com. Facebook: Guloya Teatro and Twitter: TeatroGULOYA. |
Dónde:: Complejo Acuático Del Centro Olímpico Juan Pablo Duarte.
Días: 28 y 29 de noviembre 2016.
Precios: RD$1,1000.00 VIP, RD$600.00 gradas.