
From all the profiles that describe the population and the family, the elderly and women, comes the almost complete sketch of a society, for good or bad, and in the Dominican case, the picture that appears points to systematic change, injustices to be faced and values in transition.

Women Emancipation

Dominican women have the greatest access to education and the best economic conditions to subsist with economic independence in the last decade. But there is also the greater challenge that they continue to face toward the emancipation that will allow them to reclaim their rights. The large gender gap on a global level, domestic violence, specifically against women, is also a reality on Dominican soil.

The Dominican Republic is not an exception when referring to the family in the context of the social transformation population on the path of modern societies. In this country, the ideal family is more and more often an idyllic term, as shocking statistics that has directed the Latin American become more common, such as the figure that 31% of homes have a single woman as the head of household.

Vital Concerns for Senior Citizens

The social panorama has, in other demographic tendencies, important points of reflection, such as the fact that 8% of the Dominican population is older than 60, highlighting the reality that state politics do not guarantee the passage to an old age without concerns. Many of the elderly have the fortune of subsisting on the remittances and economic support of their families and a minimal percentage is incorporated into productive life.


Religious by imposition or calling, Dominicans also show that the characteristics of their spirituality are mutable. 75% declared themselves Catholic five years ago, and in 2002, only 64% declared themselves so. Behind the descent in Catholicism is the ascent of other beliefs, the majority of Protestant origin, that incorporate themselves into the framework of popular religiosity.


Who are we, who will we be and where are we going…the questions will find answers in the following texts. Sketches that invite reflection and give way to a fundamental analysis and evaluation of prejudices.

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