Country Data

Official name  Dominican Republic 
Capital  Santo Domingo
Geographic location  Between 68′ 19″ y 72′ 31″ longitude west.
Between 17′ 36″ y 19′ 56″ latitude north.
Geographic limits  To the north: Atlantic Ocean
South: Caribbean Sea
East: Mona Passage
West: Haiti
Land Mass  48,730 km2
North-South Longitude  265 kms, from Cabo Beata, in the far southwest, to Cabo Isabela, in the north.
East-West Longitude  390 kms, from Cabo Engaño, in the east, to the community of Lajas, in the extreme west (on the border)
Inhabitants  10.4 million (2014)*
Official Language  Spanish
Official Currency  Dominican Peso (RD$)**
Official Religion 

Religions practiced by percentage*** 

 Catholic: 56.4%
Christian non-Catholic: 24%
Other, non-Christian a: 0.3%
None: 19.3%
Administrative Divisions   31 provinces and a (1) National District ****
System of Government  Representative Democracy / Presidential Republic
Climate  Tropical. Average annual temperature: between 19 degrees Celsius and 34 degrees Celsius (66 degrees Fahrenheit and 93 degrees Fahrenheit).


* World Bank: 

** Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD), exchange market (Exchange rates of Dominican currency): 

*** National Statistics Office (ONE): Percent distribution of the population 18 years or older, according to religious affiliation (2012). 

**** National Statistics Office (ONE):

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