Associations and Societies

Consejo Nacional de la Empresa Privada (CONEP) 

Organization that brings together the majority of private businesses in the Dominican Republic. The leadership of CONEP is fundamental in the credibility obtained for its straight-forward trajectory in the fields in which it Works. Its goal is to lead the strengthening of the free-market system, actively participating, as a change and transformational agent, for the consolidation of democracy and its institutions, and to promote economic and social development for the Dominican Republic.

Organización Nacional de Empresas Comerciales, Inc. (ONEC) 

Non-profit association for retailers organized throughout the Dominican Republic. ONEC serves as a group of businesses committed to the development of a society in which free trade contributes to the moral and economic well-being of the entire community.

Asociación de Industrias Farmacéuticas Dominicanas, Inc. (INFADOMI) 

Entity whose main objective is to contribute to the development of the national pharmaceutical industry with the purpose of ensuring the production of medicines with high quality standards and reasonable prices that guarantee the physical, mental and social well-being of Dominicans.

Asociación Nacional de Hoteles y Restaurantes (ASONAHORES)

Asociación Dominicana de Turismo de la Salud

Asociación Dominicana de Prensa Turística (ADOMPRETUR)

Asociación de Bancos Comerciales de la República Dominicana (ABA) 

The Commercial Bank Association of the Dominican Republic (ABA) is the entity that united all commercial Banks and financial services that operate in the Dominican Republic. It was founded in 1979 with the purpose of uniting the Commercial Banks and unifying criteria for the development of the Dominican Republic’s banking center.

Asociación Nacional de Jóvenes Empresarios (ANJE)

An organization meant to promote and help innovate in a dynamic way, the thinking of young businesspeople, encouraging the economic and social development of the Dominican Republic.

Asociación de Industrias de la Republica Dominicana (AIRD)

Cámara de Comercio y Producción de Santo Domingo (CCPSD)

Cámara de Comercio y Producción de Santiago

Asociación de Micro, Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de Herrera y Prov. Santo Domingo 

Non-profit organization that represents, supports protects and seeks to optimize production, competition development, growth and innovation through the association, teamwork and mutual support.

Federación Nacional de Comerciantes Detallistas (Fenacodep)

Representative organization for the retail industry whose vision is to bring about, through effective leadership, the development of the Dominican Republic’s retail industry, strengthening its competitiveness and facilitating services which ensure sustainable business.   

Asociación de Ferreteros, Inc. (ASODEFE) 

Social institutions that works to defend the rights of the  hardware industry in the Dominican Republic.

Asociación de Suplidores de Materiales Eléctricos 

Organization that groups together businesses dedicated to the distribution, importation, representation and creation of electrical equipment and material in the Dominican Republic.

Asociación Nacional de Detallistas de Combustible, Inc. (ANADEGAS)

Alianza ONG 

Multisector network of non-profit organizations, founded on April 27, 1995 with the purpose of contributing to the sustainable development of the Dominican Republic, promoting, coordinating and provoking the role and contributions of non-profit organizations.

Clúster de Contact Centers & BPOs

Federación Nacional de Pequeños y Medianos Empresarios de la República Dominicana (FENAPYMED)

Asociación de Cronistas de Arte (ACROARTE)

Confederación de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de la Construcción 

Organization of institutions, entities and small and mid-sized business from the construction industry. It’s mission is to organize businesses dedicated to the construction industry, to protect them and guarantee their fair participation in the processes concerning related to the industry.

Cámara Dominicana de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación

Dominican Republic Call Center Association 

Organization created to business in the Dominican Republic and the United States about the great potential of the call center industry in the Dominican Republic. Additionally, its objective is to serve as a guide the those business that are interested in moving to a Caribbean location.

Asociación Católica de Empresarios de Santiago 

Non-profit institution that brings together catholic or other Christian businesspeople and business executives. Its primary objective is to unite, associate and affiliate businesspeople and executives from the same religion.

Red de Vida en Condominios 

Non-profit organization, led by the council of new members, which represents the condominium design and construction, sales, finance and administration sector, including regulatory entities and organizations for resolving conflicts regarding condominiums.

Sociedad General de Autores, Compositores y Editores Dominicanos de Música

Asociación Dominicana de Factorías de Arroz, Inc. (ADOFA)

Asociación Dominicana de la Industria Eléctrica (ADIE)

Colegio Médico Dominicano (CMD)

Sociedad Dominicana de Obstetricia y Ginecología

Sociedad Dominicana de Endocrinología y Nutrición

Sociedad Dominicana de Gastroenterología

Sociedad Dominicana de Cardiología

Colegio Dominicano de Ingenieros, Arquitectos y Agrimensores (CODIA)

Asociación de Promotores y Constructores de Viviendas del Cibao (APROCOVICI) 

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