Fun Facts

  • The area code of the Dominican Republic is 809. It began to be used in 2005, before the seven digits telephone number was adopted. For calls to mobile or international phones, dial 1 before the area code. Due to the significant growth experienced by the telecommunications industry in the Dominican Republic, the new 829 and 849 area codes are also in use, in addition to the 809 area code.
  • The top-level domain (ccTLD) that has been assigned to the Dominican Republic is .do
  • SDQ is the abbreviation code used for the Las Americas International Airport, which is located in the Dominican capital, Santo Domingo.
  • In the most popular, casual or informal language, the Dominican Republic is abbreviated “RD” or “erredé.”
  • The country is also called Quisqueya La Bella or Hispaniola, although the latter term (used at the time of the Spanish conquest and colonization), refers to the entire island and includes Haiti.
  • According to the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), in the book “World Factbook,” it suggests that 73 percent of the population of the Dominican Republic is mixed race (and mostly Mulatto); 16% is white and 11% is black. It is not by chance that, since the American intervention of 1916, this nation has been known as “the country of multi-colored families,” according to anecdotes told by some Marines that were surprised at finding families in which four children were of four different colors, despite having the same father and the same mother. “The basic Dominican race is a mix of ​​black and Spanish heritage, with an aboriginal stripe,” they said.
  • The Taínos slept in hammocks or hanging beds made of woven cotton or maguey and held at their ends by hicos or ropes of cabuya or sisal. Hammocks are still a key element in country houses and tourist establishments in the Dominican Republic.
  • The Dominican Republic is one of the three countries in the world that share an island with another nation. It shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti. Only Ireland and Papua New Guinea have the same island geopolitical condition.
  • The Dominican Republic is one of the few countries that have officially registered three Fathers of the Homeland: Juan Pablo Duarte, Francisco del Rosario Sánchez and Ramón Matías Mella.
  • The National Coat of Arms, created at the time of the proclamation of independence, is the only one in the world that has the Holy Bible in its center. The Bible shows the Gospel of John 8, 32: “You will come to know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
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