Dominicana Online » Noticias » Ministry of Culture recognizes legendary singer Frank Cruz

Ministry of Culture recognizes legendary singer Frank Cruz

Ministry of Culture recognizes legendary singer Frank Cruz</strong>. <strong>Minister José Antonio Rodríguez announces that he is working on the  implementation of a law declaring Merengue as a cultural heritage of the  Dominican Republic” src=”/portal/noticias/frank_65.jpg” width=65></TD><br />
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<P><STRONG>Ministry of Culture recognizes legendary singer Frank Cruz</STRONG>. <STRONG>Minister José Antonio Rodríguez announces that he is working on the implementation of a law declaring Merengue as a cultural heritage of the Dominican Republic</STRONG><BR>Santo Domingo, July 23<SUP>th</SUP>, 2014</P><br />
<P><SPAN style=The Ministry of Culture (MINC) recognized legendary singer Frank Cruz at a ceremony where the Minister of Culture, songwriter and singer José Antonio Rodríguez,affirmedthat state agency is working on the implementation of a law that declares Merengue as National Heritage.

In this regard, he said that the government of President Danilo Medina sponsors the implementation of a true educational revolution that will impact the cultural development of the country. He also spoke about the content of the government program aimed at valuing culture and everything that is Dominican.

On the Thursday of the Traveling Culture, organized by MINC’s Directorate of Space Projects, a plaque was also presented to RepresentativeVíctor Sánchez, who put forward the law that protects Merengue.

Rodríguez noted that, as established in Article 3 of said document, MINCis the Ministry responsible for the promotion, dissemination and expansion of Merengue; therefore, it has already held meetings with members of the artistic world for the purpose of planning activities in this regard.

These meetings have been held with Johnny Ventura, Kinito Méndez and other artists. Rodríguez also informed that it is a very open law, in the sense that many rhythms fall into this category.

According to him, the Ministry of Culture has been charged withdetermining the groups that would benefit from the implementation of the law, and in this regard he has met with officials from the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications, as this institution has also to do with the subject matter.

He also spoke about the situation resulting from the poor quality of the lyrics and compositions of some performers of urban rhythms. He attributes this situation to the lack of education of these young people.

In this regard, he said that the government of President Danilo Medina sponsors the implementation of a true educational revolution that will impact the cultural development of the country. He also spoke about the content of the government program aimed at valuing culture and everything that is Dominican.

Those who attended the meeting included the members of Grupo Tierra Seca;comedian Wilson Díaz; Susana Silfa, wife ofpublic media broadcaster Yaqui Núñez del Risco, and saxophonist Crispín Fernández, among others.

The law was drafted by Mr. Víctor Sánchez, and it states that it is essential to preserve and promote national music in order to ensure its development and protection within the Dominican society, with a view to promoting its historical continuity and the cultural identity of the Dominican people.

Merengue is the quintessential musical rhythm that identifies the country throughout the world. It was created 150 years ago, on November 26, 1854, when the word Merengue first appeared published in the Oasisnewspaper, which proved the existence of this musical rhythm in the Dominican social and cultural reality.

Ministry of Culture recognizes legendary singer Frank Cruz</strong>. <strong>Minister José Antonio Rodríguez announces that he is working on the  implementation of a law declaring Merengue as a cultural heritage of the  Dominican Republic” src=”/portal/noticias/frank.jpg” width=500></P><br />
<P>The Minister of Culture, José Antonio Rodríguez, and Manuel Frías presenta diploma to veteran singer Frank Cruz</P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></p>
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