Dominicana Online » Noticias » Alfaguara Infantil presents ‘El último aon’ (The last aon) by Emelda Ramos

Alfaguara Infantil presents ‘El último aon’ (The last aon) by Emelda Ramos

Alfaguara Infantil presents ‘El último aon’ (<em>The last aon</em>) by Emelda Ramos” src=”/Portal/noticias/ultimoaon_65.jpg” width=65></TD><br />
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<P><STRONG>Alfaguara Infantil presents ‘El último aon’ (<EM>The last aon</EM>) by Emelda Ramos</STRONG><BR>Santo Domingo, Dominican RepublicMarch 1st, 2012</P><br />
<P align=justify><SPAN style=The event will take place on Tuesday, March 6, at the Cuesta library.

The presentation will take place next Tuesday, March 6, at 7:00 p.m., at the Foro Pedro Mir of the Cuesta library.

El último aon (The last aon), written by Emelda Ramos and illustrated by Adela Dore, is the title of this new book for children ten years and older, which is being published by the Alfaguara Infantil de Santillanalabel.

The presentation will take place next Tuesday, March 6, at 7:00 p.m., at the Foro Pedro Mir of the Cuesta library. It is open to the public. Laureate Dominican writer Marcio Veloz Magiolo will offer the welcoming remarks for this new contribution to the Dominican children’s literature.

This carefully edited 44-page children’s story, presented in glossy paper,narrates an unprecedented episode that occurred in the early years of the Spanish colonization, starringa Taino child, Guaramatex, and a small dog of the already extinct “aon”breed. Together they had lived many adventures since the Taino child rescued the puppy in the middle of the forest. But the greatest danger awaits them now, when the tribe of Guaramatex, also called “El que Camina de Espaldas (He Who Walks Backwards)”, is forced to move to an unknown location and must abandon their huts, smallholdings (conucos) and valleys.

Emelda Ramos is a writer and an educator. She has published the novel El despojo o por los trillos de la leyenda, winner of the Ateneo Minerva Mirabal prize (1984);the story books:De oro, botijas y amor (1998), Angelario urbano(2002) and Los oficios y placeres de Miralvalle (2009); the anthologies Twentieth Century Dominican Storytellers (2005),El cuaderno de la rosa (children’s poetry, 2008),Voces infantiles cuentan (compilation) and Delia Quesada, pionera de la dramaturgia infantil (2009). She was a finalist in the 2010 contest of Microrrelatos Ciudad del Ozamaand her texts have been compiled and translated into English, Italian and Braille.

According to Emelda, “to write a story for children and youth is to allow themto discover an entryway to a journey through time, with the added bonus that I will accompany them in this adventure.”

Alfaguara Infantil presents ‘El último aon’ (<em>The last aon</em>) by Emelda Ramos” src=”/Portal/noticias/emeldaramos_500.jpg” width=500><BR></P></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></p>
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