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Ministry of Culture and French Embassy Offer E.M. Cioran Colloquium

Ministry of Culture and French Embassy Offer E.M. Cioran Colloquium

Ministry of Culture and French Embassy Offer E.M. Cioran Colloquium
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 11/12/2011

In honor of the birth centennial of French-Romanian thinker and essayist, Emil Cioran, the Ministry of Culture’s Literary Office, in coordination with the French Embassy in the DR, offered a colloquium on the life of this celebrated figure.

Basilio Belliard, Director of the Literary Office, was the moderator of the colloquium, held in the conference and exhibition hall of the Casas Reales Museum.

Basilio Belliard, Director of the Literary Office, was the moderator of the colloquium, held in the conference and exhibition hall of the Casas Reales Museum. Speakers at the event were Odalís G. Pérez, Oliver Batista Lemaire, Plinio Chahín and Fidel Munnigh.

Basilio Belliard said that Emil Cioran traveled on the path to wisdom with the most clairvoyant lucidity as he examined the world of writing and western culture. He explored in the territory of philosophical tradition of the West and the East and arrived at the limits of reason through “vertiginous expressive lucidity,” a motor that provided energy and action to his ideas.

Reading Cioran today constitutes a challenge to reality as well as a possibility of living in the absurd, while at the same time, the philosophical imperative of speaking for oneself.

Writers, intellectuals and philosophy students who attended this event amplified their knowledge of Emil. M. Cioran’s literary work.

Ministry of Culture and French Embassy Offer E.M. Cioran Colloquium
Odalís G. Pérez speaking at the colloquium.

Ministry of Culture and French Embassy Offer E.M. Cioran Colloquium
Audience at the colloquium.

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