Weekly activities from the Deputy Ministry of culture for the Northern Region Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, 05/15/2011
Actvities for the week of May 16-22, 2011
Monday 16 Urban modals for a more creative city In homage to the Professor Onésimo Jiménez. Painter: Nicolás Casado. Place: Onésimo Jiménez School, Los Pepines. Time: 4:00 p.m.
Friday 20 Culture in the schools End of Course – Folklore Workshop Presentation: Youth Ballet of the Deputy Ministry. Place: Eugenio Deschamps School. Time: 3:00 p.m.
Art Exhibition “Por Amor al Arte” (For the Love of Art) Collective Artists Place: Federico Izquierdo Hall, Consistorial Palace. Time: 7:00 pm.
Saturday 21 Culture in the Universities (For Mothers Day) Presentations: Folklore Ballet of the Deputy Ministry, Michael Liriano and the Schools of Music of the Institute of Culture and Art (ICA) and the Music Students of the “Arco Juvenil” Violin Orchestra of the Culture Center of Santiago (C.C.S). Place: CURSA-UASD Auditorium. Time: 10:00 a.m. (In coordination with the Jardín Infantil Progresando).
Sunday 22 Culture in the municipal districts Presentation: Folklore Ballet of the Deputy Ministry, Place: “Juan José Batista”, Neighborhood Junta, Las Charcas. Time: 4:00 p.m.
