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FUNGLODE and GFDD Launch a Dominican Environmental Dictionary

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FUNGLODE and GFDD Launch a Dominican Environmental Dictionary
New York, December 22, 2008

The Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo (FUNGLODE) and the Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD), through its Website, launched a new project that is without national or international precedent: the Dominican Environmental Dictionary. /diccionariomedioambiente/es

… the fundamental idea of turning it into an extraordinary interactive project to which the environmental community, national and international, can contribute research with the ultimate idea of creating a print version. s

 The Dictionary, the result of four years of intense work carried out by an international team of experts, is being launched in an electronic format with the fundamental idea of turning it into an extraordinary interactive project to which the environmental community, national and international, can contribute research with the ultimate idea of creating a print version.

As such, this initiative will contain the most updated and complete information on the country’s environment and natural resources. It will examine the current state of the environment in the Dominican Republic and its relationship and impact on other areas that are vital for the development of the country. 

In addition, it will introduce environmental projects being undertaken by the public, private and non-governmental sectors; it will examine existing environmental protection legislation and its impact on sustainable development in the Dominican Republic.

“Apart from transmitting knowledge, the Dictionary aspires to promote respect, concern, reasonable usage and protection of the environment as well as to increase awareness of the dangers of contamination and overuse of natural resources. At the same time, it seeks to be a starting point for more and better action,” explained Natasha Despotovic, the Executive Director of GFDD and Vice President of FUNGLODE.

“The experience of creating something with these characteristics, that serves not only as a reference for the environmental community but also for academics, universities, schools and the general public has been extremely enriching for all of us,” said Ms. Despotovic. “Studying the multiple forms of the earth’s natural beauty and the phenomenon of its resources has awakened in us an overwhelming respect and love for the earth we live on.”

Thematic Areas and Goals

The Dictionary will focus on the following areas: flora, fauna, coastal zones, natural resources, biodiversity, coastal pollution, water systems and urbanization.


  • To transmit knowledge about, respect and love for the country’s natural resources in order to promote taking caring of and protecting them and using them in a rational manner.
  • To study the current state of the environment in the Dominican Republic, focusing on critical areas and their effect.
  • To stimulate education and public awareness about the environment and natural resources through a publication that provides current, high quality and reliable information.
  • To support and promote education about the importance of the environment in colleges, universities and other educational centers.  

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Date of Publication: December 23, 2008

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