Productive sectors

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Communications Sector

Communications Sector

The communications sector in the Dominican Republic has been one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy in recent decades. The country has expanded its communications network, both in terms of infrastructure and in terms of new technologies.

The sector has maintained constant growth since the 1970’s, as evidenced by the following graph:

Evolution of the Communications Sector in the DR (1980-2005) –

 Evolution of the Communications Sector in the DR (1980-2005) – Millions of DR Pesos – Source: Central Bank of the Dominican Republic

The myriad businesses that operate in the DR’s communications sector have had to face competition from innovative market offerings of many products and services, which has translated into a boom in the national phone system, in terms of mobile, residential, and business services.

Postal communication has also seen strong improvement in the country. The Dominican Republic uses a postal distribution system based on assigned zip codes, which has helped increase the efficiency of mail service throughout the country.

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